Where To Buy Title Insurance

Jan 15, 2024

Navigating the complex landscape of real estate transactions requires a safeguard against potential risks. That’s when title insurance comes in. This policy helps both the owner and lender protect their property investment from future challenges, like unpaid taxes or mortgages. If you’re considering a real estate venture in Alabama, you might wonder where to buy title insurance.

Where to Buy Title Insurance in Alabama?

In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits of this policy. We’ll guide you on what to consider in a title insurance company. So, stick around.

Why Do You Need Title Insurance?

Title insurance serves as a safety net against several challenges that threaten your property investment. However, unlike traditional insurance, title insurance tackles past occurrences. These include unpaid liens, forged documents, and more. Let’s discuss these hazards in further detail!

1. Ownership Disputes

As you know, property ownership is represented by a legal document. Only the legal owner can control the property. The problem, however, is that sole ownership isn’t the only way to acquire real estate. Methods like tenancy in common, joint tenancy with supervision, or tenancy by entirety allow two or more people to jointly hold the title. This can create complications when purchasing a property. That’s when title insurance comes to the rescue. It protects buyers from future claims over rights, usage, or inheritance. As a result, it ensures they don’t lose their equity.

2. Unpaid Liens and Encumbrances

Unpaid liens and encumbrances are potential financial burdens, impacting both the owner and the lender. For those wondering, unpaid liens are claims against the property for outstanding debts. As for encumbrances, they’re legal limitations on the property’s use. In both cases, the owner can’t sell, rent, or control the real estate without the consent of the claimant. Of course, these issues can lead to financial liabilities—or even worse, the risk of losing your property. In this case, lenders may also face challenges in securing their financial interests. Title insurance becomes paramount, as it covers these claims.

3. Errors in Public Records

As you know, humans aren’t error-free; clerical and filing errors about your property can occur. Incomplete documentation is also a problem that can affect real estate titles. An inaccurate description of a property’s square footage is an example of such an error. If the real estate is larger than what is stated in the documents, you may face problems acquiring the needed loan amount. Not only that, but you may have to deal with boundary disputes. While completely avoiding errors in public records is challenging, title insurance protects your rights from such defects.

4. Forged Documents

As surprising as it may sound, forged documents can go unnoticed. For instance, in the case of a messy divorce, one spouse can fabricate the signature of their significant other without their knowledge. Of course, this puts closing the real estate transaction at risk if the seller makes an ownership claim. You can also lose your property rights if forgery is discovered after the deal. Fortunately, title insurance ensures the authenticity of real estate documents and offers financial protection against these practices.

What Does Title Insurance Not Cover?

Although title policies can vary depending on the state, several challenges aren’t covered by this insurance. Generally, the policy doesn’t protect against problems created after the real estate transaction. These include:

  • Any defects you create after buying the property
  • Issues related to tax payments or mortgages
  • Unlawful acts
  • Violating zoning regulations
  • Land use improvements related to environmental protection
  • Condemned properties
  • Restrictive covenant
  • Issues related to mineral or subsurface rights

How Much Does Title Insurance Cost?

While title insurance costs can vary from one state to another, they generally make up 0.5% to 1% of the home sale price for the owner. As for the lender, the percentage depends on the loan amount. This payment is a one-time fee, and you may pay it upfront. That said, in some states, the insurance price can vary depending on the company you choose.

What to Look For in a Title Insurance Company

Now that you understand the importance of title insurance, here are some tips to consider when shopping for a company:

  • Local Knowledge: Look for reputable companies with a strong understanding of local real estate laws and market dynamics to avoid potential challenges.
  • Clear and Transparent Pricing: Ensure that the company provides insurance costs, including all fees and charges, upfront to avoid surprises during the closing process.
  • Coverage and Policy Types: Evaluate the coverage options offered by the company. Aside from owner’s and lender’s policies, some companies provide enhanced packages to cover additional risk. They also expand their services to the sellers.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, title insurance is an indispensable shield against pitfalls in real estate transactions. From ownership disputes to forgeries, it ensures a secure investment for both the owner and the lender. The key to successful title insurance is to pick a reputable and transparent company. If you’re buying real estate in Alabama, Boundary Title will help you safeguard your investment. Contact us to start a seamless and protected real estate experience!

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